Implementacja postanowień Europejskiej Karty Naukowca i Kodeksu Postępowania przy rekrutacji pracowników naukowych ma swoje uzasadnienie również w umowie grantowej w ramach programu HORYZONT 2020. Artykuł 32 Umowy Grantowej (Grant Agreement) zatytułowany Recruitment and working conditions for researchers, zobowiązuje beneficjentów wszystkich finansowanych projektów w ramach programu Horyzont 2020 do podjęcia starań, aby wdrożyć zasady zawarte Karcie i Kodeksie.

32.1 Obligation to take measures to implement the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

The beneficiary must take all measures to implement the principles set out in the Commission Recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers 41, in particular regarding:
– working conditions;
– transparent recruitment processes based on merit, and
– career development.
The beneficiary must ensure that researchers and third parties involved in the action are aware of them.

32.2 Consequences of non-compliance.
If the beneficiary breaches its obligations under this Article, the [Commission][Agency] may apply any of the measures described in Chapter 6. 41 Commission Recommendation (EC) No 251/2005 of 11 March 2005 on the European Charter for Researchers and on a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (OJ L 75, 22.03.2005, p. 67).

Link do Annotated Model of Grant Agreement (AMGA)

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