Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 (H2020) is the framework program established by the European Commission as a tool to finance research and innovation activities. The Grant Agreements are contracts signed between beneficiaries and the Commission. The signature of these contracts, will determine beneficiaries commitments. The responsabilities, as a result of the management of human resources in research, will be covered in the AMGA article 32 under the title “Hiring and work conditions for researchers”. Particularly, this article shows beneficiaries must take necessary measures in order to implement the principles of the Letter for researchers and the Conduct Code to hire researchers, the so called Charter&Code. Read More

Changes in the procedure of obtaining HR Excellence for Researchers award

From January 2017, the EC changed the rules of applying for the HR logo. The new procedure is the result of discussions with experts in the field of human resources management and representatives of institutions that implemented the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and received a European award. Consultations with experts have shown that changes are needed to increase the quality and effectiveness of the activities undertaken by the institutions and introduce comparable standards throughout Europe. Read More