IUNG registred in SciVal database

From October 2018, IUNG-PIB as a separate unit is included in the SciVal Elsevier platform. Currently, the database contains over 8,500 research institutions from 220 countries around the world. The tool is free of charge and allows you to prepare reports on:

  • total employee achievements,
  • calculating the “snowball index”,
  • analysis of the impact on a selected field of science
  • and many other combinations of the individual and individual employees.

Link to the IUNG-PIB website on SciVal:


Predator Journals

On September 21, 2018, on the NCN website, a letter was published by the Director of National Science Centre (NCN) regarding the so-called “Predatory magazines”. These journals are often published in the form of “Open Access” </ strong> for significantly inflated prices, with a negligent editorial process. An important issue is also the lack of NCN approval for the publication of articles created as part of projects financed by the National Science Center – the consequence may be the return of funds from the publication and removal of such publication from the report. <! – more ->

Link to the article and letter (PL):

https://ncn.gov.pl/aktualnosci/2018-09- 21-letter-director-NCN-predatory-journals

Exciting articles explaining the principles of such magazines and references to interesting sources, including websites on this subject were published by dr hab. Emanuel Kulczycki on his scientific blog (PL).

http: / /ekulczycki.pl/teoria_komunikacji/grantu-z-ncn-u-nie-rozliczysz-publikacja-w-drapieznym-czasopismie/

http://ekulczycki.pl/warsztat_badacza/wykaz-czasopism-przunktowanych-i-drapiezni-wydawcy /

An updated list of “predatory journals” so-called Bella List </ strong>:


OTM-R training in IUNG-PIB

On September 12, 2018, in the INCBR IUNG-PIB seminar room, training for members of the management, the Scientific Council of IUNG-PIB, managers and all persons involved in the recruitment process at IUNG-PIB took place. The presentation presents essential issues regarding the REPORT of the WORKING GROUP of the STEERING GROUP OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT under the EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA on Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment of Researchers.

Training presentation – download (POL).

HRS4R work group meeting – 31.08.2018

On 31 August 2018, the next meeting of The IUNG-PIB implementation working group for the HR Strategy for Researchers and the policy of open and transparent recruitment processes (OTM-R) took place.

The meeting discusses the results of the independent experts’ evaluation sent on 22 August 2018 by the European Commission (interim assessment), regarding the 24-month implementation period of The HR Strategy for researchers (HRS4R) by IUNG-PIB.

The team analysed the state of activities planned in HRS4R for next years, including those which could not be implemented so far due to the lack of dedicated funds in the Institute’s budget (implementation of the anti-plagiarism system). Also agreed was the activities allowing for the establishment of an internal audit group that would monitor the Working Group’s activities on an ongoing basis and their compliance with the provisions of the Charter, the Code and the OTM-R principles.