We would like to remind all IUNG-PIB employees and PhD students that applications for the IUNG-PIB Director’s award for outstanding scientific-research and organisational achievements can be submitted by November 20 at the Scientific Secretariat. The rules for awarding the prize are available in the Institute’s INTRANET.

First Polish e-learning platform
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education, together with the Young Science Foundation (Fundacja Nauki Polskej – FNP) and partners, 30th October launched the first Polish educational platform of the Polish MOOC. The platform is a reliable and free source of knowledge available online for everyone, regardless of age and place of residence. More on the NCBiR website – link .
Link to the POLISH MOOK educational platform – here.
IUNG registred in SciVal database
From October 2018, IUNG-PIB as a separate unit is included in the SciVal Elsevier platform. Currently, the database contains over 8,500 research institutions from 220 countries around the world. The tool is free of charge and allows you to prepare reports on:
- total employee achievements,
- calculating the “snowball index”,
- analysis of the impact on a selected field of science
- and many other combinations of the individual and individual employees.
Link to the IUNG-PIB website on SciVal:
Predator Journals
On September 21, 2018, on the NCN website, a letter was published by the Director of National Science Centre (NCN) regarding the so-called “Predatory magazines”. These journals are often published in the form of “Open Access” </ strong> for significantly inflated prices, with a negligent editorial process. An important issue is also the lack of NCN approval for the publication of articles created as part of projects financed by the National Science Center – the consequence may be the return of funds from the publication and removal of such publication from the report. <! – more ->
Link to the article and letter (PL):
https://ncn.gov.pl/aktualnosci/2018-09- 21-letter-director-NCN-predatory-journals
Exciting articles explaining the principles of such magazines and references to interesting sources, including websites on this subject were published by dr hab. Emanuel Kulczycki on his scientific blog (PL).
http://ekulczycki.pl/warsztat_badacza/wykaz-czasopism-przunktowanych-i-drapiezni-wydawcy /
An updated list of “predatory journals” so-called Bella List </ strong>:

New Habilitation Mode
Next year, new regulations regarding the New Habilitation Mode will come into force, in line with the Act 2.0. The Council of Scientific Excellence will supervise it. The primary issues regarding new regulations are explained by dr. hab. Emanuel Kulczycki on the blog “Researcher’s workshop” in the article “Habilitation under Act 2.0” (article in Polish).