open access

Open Research Europe

Open Research Europe is an open access publishing platform for the publication of research stemming from Horizon 2020 funding across all subject areas. The platform makes it easy for Horizon 2020 beneficiaries to comply with the open access terms of their funding and offers researchers a publishing venue to share their results and insights rapidly and facilitate open, constructive research discussion.

ESCI database development

Communication of 10 December 2020 on the extension of the ESCI database

The scope of the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) available under the national Web of Science licence has been extended to include archival yearbooks 2005-2014. The additional yearbooks contain nearly 2 million records from over 7,000 journals, including 30,000 publications with at least one Polish co-author. In particular, ESCI indexes 197 Polish scientific journals, which are also on the MNiSW scoring list.


Virtual Science Library invites on ELSEVIER webinars

Webinars in local language:

Elsevier provides key webinars in local languages. Check also the section of webinars in English to get more.

Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Polish | Romanian | Slovakian | Ukrainian

Webinars in English:

Local language webinars are not included here, click above to check what is available in your language.

Content solutions: Cell Press | Ebooks | ScienceDirect

Medicine and chemistry solutions: ClinicalKey | Embase | Reaxys & Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry

Research evaluation and management: FundingSciVal | Scopus

Research workflow: Research publishing | Reference manager and research network (Mendeley)Journal Publishing & Institutional Repository (Digital Commons) | Remote Access

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open access

The Elsevier 2019 open publishing programme completed

The Elsevier 2019 open publishing programme has been completed – a pool of 500 articles has been used. Authors who have volunteered to change their 2019 open access publications and fit into the available pool will receive individual messages in the coming days with links to a form where you can change the way you publish.


Information from WBN – 8th January 2020.