Webinars in local language:

Elsevier provides key webinars in local languages. Check also the section of webinars in English to get more.

Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Polish | Romanian | Slovakian | Ukrainian

Webinars in English:

Local language webinars are not included here, click above to check what is available in your language.

Content solutions: Cell Press | Ebooks | ScienceDirect

Medicine and chemistry solutions: ClinicalKey | Embase | Reaxys & Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry

Research evaluation and management: FundingSciVal | Scopus

Research workflow: Research publishing | Reference manager and research network (Mendeley)Journal Publishing & Institutional Repository (Digital Commons) | Remote Access

English language webinars

ScienceDirect, Cell Press and Ebooks

recorded ScienceDirect Books: High Impact, Relevant Content Ebooks; ScienceDirect
recorded Best Practices in Submitting Research for Highly Selective Journals Cell Press; ScienceDirect
recorded ScienceDirect: deep dive into the scientific literature ScienceDirect
3.06.13:00 – 15:00 The Book Publishing Process: An Elsevier Author Workshop Books

Medicine and chemistry solutions: ClinicalKey | Embase | Reaxys & Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry

recorded Introduction to Reaxys and Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry Reaxys; Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry
recorded Introduction to Embase Embase
recorded Introduction to ClinicalKey: most current and relevant medical information ClinicalKey
26.05 Chemistry Data for Systems Thinkers

Research evaluation and management: Funding | SciVal | Scopus

recorded Check your research funding opportunities based on your current output! Funding
recorded SciVal as a tool for evaluating research performance SciVal
recorded SciVal: Data behind SciVal SciVal
recorded SciVal: Visualize research performance – Module Overview SciVal
recorded SciVal: Benchmark your progress SciVal
recorded SciVal: Reports – how to use templates SciVal
recorded SciVal: How to measure your Research Performance in data world? SciVal
recorded SciVal: Develop collaborative partnerships and analyse research trends SciVal
recorded SciVal: Institutions and Countries SciVal
recorded SciVal: Researchers and Publication Sets SciVal
recorded SciVal: Topics, Research Areas and Journals SciVal
recorded Who is citing research of my institution? Where do citations come from? Scopus; SciVal
recorded Scopus selection criteria and process for journals Scopus
recorded Integrating Scopus APIs into your everyday workflow Scopus; API
recorded Scopus: wealth of world class research Scopus
recorded Scopus: how to choose a good journal wisely? Scopus; Publishing
recorded Who is citing research of my institution? Where do citations come from? Scopus; SciVal
recorded Working with author profiles in Scopus Scopus

Research Publishing

recorded How to successfully write a research paper? Publishing
recorded How to choose the right journal to publish your paper? Publishing
recorded Impactful Open Access Journal Publishing Digital Commons; Journal Publishing
recorded Best Practices in Submitting Research for Highly Selective Journals Cell Press; ScienceDirect
recorded Impactful Open Access Journal Publishing Digital Commons; Journal Publishing
recorded How to successfully write a research paper? Publishing
recorded Scopus: how to choose a good journal wisely? Scopus; Publishing
recorded Ethics in publishing Publishing
recorded How to survive peer review? Publishing
3/06/2020 13:00-15:00 The Book Publishing Process: An Elsevier Author Workshop Book Publishing

Reference Manager and Social Network (Mendeley)

recorded Mendeley (in English) Mendeley

Journal Publishing & Institutional Repository (Digital Commons)

recorded Show the world the full spectrum of research produced by your university Digital Commons; Institutional Repository
recorded Impactful Open Access Journal Publishing Digital Commons; Journal

Remote Access

recorded Options to provide remote access to Elsevier platforms and tools: CET Remote Access
recorded Options to provide remote access to Elsevier platforms and tools: EDT Remote Access

Webinars in local languages


recorded Author Profile Correction with Bulgarian subtitles Scopus
05/06/2020 12:00 Aвторовите профили в Scopus и как те помагат да покажете Вашите изследвания? Scopus
12/06/2020 11:00 Архивната колекция по материалознание в ScienceDirect ScienceDirect; Archives


recorded Author Profile Correction with Croatian subtitles Scopus
recorded Mendeley – kako upravljati svojom bibliotekom publikacija? Mendeley
recorded Mendeley – alata za upravljanje referencama, i mnogo više! Mendeley
22/05/2020 13:00 Scopus: Uvod u bazu citata i sažetaka Scopus
29/05/2020 10:00 Scopus: Kako učinkovito pretraživati? Scopus
05/06/2020 10:00 Scopus: Profil autora i institucija Scopus
12/06/2020 10:00 Science Direct: znanstvene publikacije na dohvat ruke Scopus

Czechia and Slovakia

recorded Scopus: Úvod do citační a abstrakční databáze Scopus Scopus
recorded Scopus: Jak efektivně vyhledávat? Scopus
21/05/2020 08:00 Scopus: Autorské profily: Co, kde a jak? Scopus
28/05/2020 08:00 Scopus a bibliometrie: Hledání a porovnávání časopisů Scopus
04/06/2020 08:00 ScienceDirect: Vaše on-line knihovna ScienceDirect
18/06/2020 08:00 Mendeley: víc než jen citační manažer! Mendeley


Follow this link


recorded ScienceDirect – jurnale și cărți la un click distanță ScienceDirect
recorded ScienceDirect – fii mereu la curent cu noutățile ScienceDirect
recorded Scopus: cum te poate ajuta? Scopus
recorded Scopus: fii la curent și competitiv! Scopus
recorded Reaxys: găsește informația care-ți trebuie Reaxys
recorded Reaxys: descoperă întregul potențial Reaxys
20/05/2020 08:00 Mendeley: mai mult decât un citation manager! Mendeley


recorded Знайомство зі Scopus Scopus
recorded Пошук інформації у Scopus Scopus
recorded Профіль автора у Scopus Scopus
22/05/2020 07:00 Бібліометричні інструменти Scopus Scopus
29/05/2020 07:00 Бібліографічний менеджер Mendeley в  роботі дослідника Mendeley