Communication of 4 May 2021 on the financing of the 2021 licence

On 29 April 2021. The Rector of the University of Warsaw signed an annex to the agreement between MEiN and UW for funding of the NPV in 2021. It is expected that the annex will be countersigned in the coming days by the Minister of Education and Science. This annex includes:

Purchase of national licences for 2021: Cell and Elsevier journals with open access publishing (OA), Springer with OA, Wiley, the journal Nature, the journal Science (including the OA Science Advances programme), the Scopus, SciVal, Web of Science, InCites databases, and Poland’s contribution to the Scoap3 programme in 2021, with the grant for national licences allocated so far being sufficient to cover costs until at least 30 October 2021, possibly a few weeks longer depending on exchange rates.
Funding for the purchase of consortium licences for 2021: ACS from OA, AIP, APS, CAS SciFinder, CUP from OA, Emerald from OA, EMIS, IEEE from OA, IOP from OA, JSTOR, Knovel, LWW from OA, NPG, OECD/IEA, OUP from OA, Passport, ProQuest, Reaxys and Taylor&Francis from OA, with the grant awarded being sufficient to cover the planned funding of consortium licences for the full year 2021.

Once the MoE countersigns the annex for funding, ICM will start signing contracts with publishers or publishers’ agents. New funding agreements for the Emerald, Knovel, LWW, Passport, OECD, ProQuest, Reaxys consortia and annexes to the ACS, IOP and IEEE multi-year agreements are already ready for signature, and the CAS SciFinder agreement does not need to be annexed. New grant agreements are still being prepared for AIP, APS, JSTOR, EMIS, CUP, OUP, Taylor&Francis and NPG. It is hoped that all contracts will be signed by the end of May. ICM will be producing minutes and procedural notices for the new contracts signed on an ongoing basis and we anticipate that these documents will start to appear after 15 May. Newly signed contracts and proceedings documentation will be made available for inspection by consortium licence coordinators for consortium participants. In the case of multi-year contracts, the signed annexes to these contracts and the 2020 procurement documentation will be made available.

After the signing of the annex for funding by the MoE, the ICM will also sign agreements with participants in consortia coordinated directly by the ICM, viz: ACS, CAS SciFinder, IOP, ProQuest and Reaxys. ICM expects to issue invoices for contributions to participants in these consortia in the 2nd half of May. Participants in consortia coordinated by publishers or agents can start signing their individual subscription agreements with publishers or agents as soon as ICM’s funding agreements with publishers or agents become available.

Source: ICM – Virtual Library of Science | ICM- Wirtualna Biblioteka Nauki